Pages Promotions and Creative Slingers of Ink
have joined forces to host an Intensive Four-Day Writing Retreat.
When: Thursday, August 24, 2023 - Sunday, August 27, 2023
Where: The Colombiere Conference & Retreat Center
9085 Big Lake Road Clarkston, MI 48346
have joined forces to host an Intensive Four-Day Writing Retreat.
When: Thursday, August 24, 2023 - Sunday, August 27, 2023
Where: The Colombiere Conference & Retreat Center
9085 Big Lake Road Clarkston, MI 48346
2023 Story Scribblers Retreat Contest Rubrics
Part of each writer's registration for the Retreat is a story or poem to be included in the "Summer Vacation" anthology, which will support The Haley Sue Foundation. It's important, when submitting to a contest, that everyone understand what the expectations are, and how your writing will be evaluated.
With that in mind, we are publicly posting the rubrics we will use in selecting the winners of our contest. But first, a reminder of the submission guidelines:
With that in mind, we are publicly posting the rubrics we will use in selecting the winners of our contest. But first, a reminder of the submission guidelines:
Here are the Story/Poem Submission Guidelines:
- The theme of your submission must be "Summer Vacation."
- You may submit up to two pieces.
- Your submission(s) must be between 250 and 10,000 words, each; or up to 45 lines of poetry.
- You may write in any genre.
- Your submission is NOT required to be family-friendly.
- You must declare a rating for your submission. Details about ratings can be found HERE.
- You may choose to write something fictional, non-fictional, or autobiographical, we leave that part up to you (and you are not required to disclose whether your submission is true or not - but we don't promise the question won't come up during our Campfire Circle).
- We will accept new pieces and/or reprints with verifiable ownership, upon request.
- All submissions will be published in an anthology, a copy of which you will take home with you (with some other surprises) at the end of the Retreat.
- All submissions will be entered into our Writing Contest. Three prizes will be awarded, one in each category:
- Adult Reading [fiction and non-fiction with ratings of MO+ thru AD+]
- YA/Children's Reading [fiction and non-fiction with ratings of ALL thru MO]
- Poetry [all styles, any rating]
- After the Story Scribbler's Writer’s Retreat, sales of the anthology will support The Haley Sue Foundation.
- By submitting a story and/or poem to the Writer’s Retreat, you give Pages Promotions, LLC permission to publish your work and sell it, in this iteration, in perpetuity.
- You retain copyright of your work, and all rights to reprint/republish your submissions, in perpetuity.
Short Story Rubric
Performance Standards |
Excellent: 4 Points |
Good: 3 Points |
Fair: 2 Points |
Poor: 1 Point |
The character is clearly portrayed in some way. The character is realistic and developed. |
The character is basically developed in some way. The character is somewhat realistic, but inconsistent. Traits are somewhat developed. |
The character is barely developed. |
There is no character development. |
The story is extremely well-developed and thorough without being verbose. Plot structure is well used. |
The story is very developed and thorough without being verbose. |
The story is somewhat developed, although often rambling and verbose. |
The story is undeveloped and extremely verbose. |
Setting, Description, Imagery, Theme |
Use of setting is clear. Specific sensory details are used. Themes are easily identified and complex. |
Use of setting is somewhat clear. Some sensory details used. Themes are easily identified and simple. |
Use of setting is unclear, it is difficult for the reader to identify setting in the story. Not many sensory details are used. Themes are difficult to identify and/or too layered to be distinctive. |
No use of setting is present in the story. It is clearly undetermined. No sensory details are used. Themes are so haphazard as to become derivative to the story. |
Mechanics/Length |
Word count meets higher-end threshold. Unique title. Only a few errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics. |
Word count meets mid-range threshold. Title is interesting. Some errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics. |
Lower end of word count threshold. Title is very basic . Many errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics. |
Minimum threshold of word count met. No title. Vast amounts of errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics. |
Point of View (POV): 1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person Limited, 3rd Person Omniscient, Unreliable Narrator, 4th Person. |
POV is clear, use of 1st, 3rd, limited and 3rd omniscient easily detected by the reader. 2nd POV attempted and/or achieved. Interesting POV changes to hold reader attention No "Head-Hopping." |
POV somewhat clear. Shift between 1st and 3rd not always easy to identify for reader. Little use of change, but most is identifiable. 2nd POV not attempted. Very little "Head-Hopping." |
POV is unclear at times. Shifts in dialogue (1st or 3rd) hard for reader to detect. Occasional "Head-Hopping." Reader struggles to identify POV often. |
POV is not clear. Reader is unable to identify POV in most situations. "Head-Hopping" is prevelant. |
Rhetorical Devices & Creative Writing Techniques... Imaginative comparisons, diction, poetic meter & rhythm, allusion, and figurative language, tension |
Frequent creative writing techniques are present and are executed in a high-level, sophisticated manner. Excellent transitions. Dialogue is well connected to character and extends characterization. Clear distinction between internal and external dialogue. Action scenes are impressive, and consistently move the story forward. |
Occasional use of creative writing techniques executed with strong familiarity. Consistent transitions. Dialogue connects to characterization well, Good use of slang and other shifts in dialogue styles, both internal and external. Action scenes are interesting, although sometimes timid. Transitions are gentle, but appropriate to the story. |
Little use of creative writing techniques, and the writing style is immature. Dialogue is flat. Action is either dull or non-existent. Transitions are very thin. |
No evidence of creative writing techniques, with "if/then" and/or "listed action sequences." Dialogue is flat. Difficult for reader to distinguish between internal and external dialogue. Transitions are too abrupt or non-existent. |
Poetry Rubric
Performance Standards |
Excellent: 4 Points |
Good: 3 Points |
Fair: 2 Points |
Poor: 1 Point |
Originality |
Poetry is creative and original. It is evident that the poet put thought into their words and conveyed their ideas and emotions. |
Poetry is creative and thoughtful. Poetry is carefully written, but development or craft could go further. |
Poetry is creative, but doesn't demonstrate a variety of approaches. |
Work appears to be thoughtless or rushed. Work is very repetitive and ideas seem cliched, impersonal or unoriginal. |
Literary Devices & Figurative Language... Sounds, shapes, rhythms, phrases, words to enhance literal meaning. |
Poetry demonstrated varied and appropriate application of literary devices and figurative language. |
Poetry incorporated several literary devices and figurative language which demonstrates creativity. |
Poetry uses some literary devices and figurative langugage. |
Poetry did not include any literary devices and no figurative language was used. |
Grammar & Punctuation |
Proper use of modern English spelling, diction, and grammar are employed consistently throughout the poetry. |
Some spelling, diction, and/or grammar mistakes are evident, but do not diminish the meaning. |
The poet's intended meaning is muddled by some spelling, diction, and/or grammar errors. |
There are numerous spelling, diction, and /or grammar errors in the poetry. |
Word Choice |
Precise, original, fresh words are used. Creates vivid images. |
Attempts to use descriptive words to create images. Experiments with new and different word with some success. |
Attempts new words with limited success. |
General or ordinary words are used. |
Pages Promotions, LLC
Indie Author & Book Publicists Email: [email protected] Phone: 248-914-4027 (voicemails & emails are usually returned within three business days) |
Creative Slingers of Ink
Indie Author Advocate Email: [email protected] Phone: 248-791-4199 (voicemails & emails are usually returned within three business days) |