Our Community Service Commitment
We believe a more harmonious and supportive society begins with literacy. We believe that a successful life begins with, and is enhanced by, the written word. We believe that not everyone is able or inclined to pick up trash by the side of the road or give blood or donate financially in order to contribute to the well-being of their community. We know there must be an alternative. We believe that alternative is the Power of The Pen!
To support the needs of the world's illiterate population, and to give writers a place to share their talent and creativity, we have created a Community Service Anthology Project Program. Two or three times per year, we offer enticing prompts that, when multiple authors contribute, results in a stunning book, created from our combined creative energies. Writers of Every Age, Stage, and (nearly) Every Genre Are Welcome To Submit! We offer novice and experienced writers, alike, the opportunity to join together to create a force to be reckoned with... shared experience through the written word. Student contributors are offered community service certificates to help them achieve their graduation requirements while investigating the potential of their imagination.
To support the needs of the world's illiterate population, and to give writers a place to share their talent and creativity, we have created a Community Service Anthology Project Program. Two or three times per year, we offer enticing prompts that, when multiple authors contribute, results in a stunning book, created from our combined creative energies. Writers of Every Age, Stage, and (nearly) Every Genre Are Welcome To Submit! We offer novice and experienced writers, alike, the opportunity to join together to create a force to be reckoned with... shared experience through the written word. Student contributors are offered community service certificates to help them achieve their graduation requirements while investigating the potential of their imagination.
One of the things that gives the pursuit of writing meaning is the impact our words have on the lives of others. What we write, whether real or imagined, can, and often does, spark tremendous connectivity with our readers. Words give others permission to feel, learn, and understand points of view or concepts that perhaps they would not have encountered, had they not picked up a book.
Works of charity, we believe, are essential to the empathetic, evolutionary path humanity must travel if it is going to sustain and prevail throughout the next seven generations, and beyond.
Without the goal of improving literacy standards the world over, our society is doomed to fail. An illiterate population hinders every aspect of a country's development... it's economy, agriculture, industry and manufacturing, arts, sciences, technology, and most importantly, governing. A society that lacks basic literacy skills is threatened by terrorists, despots, and, most tragically, apathy.
Works of charity, we believe, are essential to the empathetic, evolutionary path humanity must travel if it is going to sustain and prevail throughout the next seven generations, and beyond.
Without the goal of improving literacy standards the world over, our society is doomed to fail. An illiterate population hinders every aspect of a country's development... it's economy, agriculture, industry and manufacturing, arts, sciences, technology, and most importantly, governing. A society that lacks basic literacy skills is threatened by terrorists, despots, and, most tragically, apathy.
Currently, all proceeds from sales of other selected books will support The Haley Sue Foundation and their mission to "inspire the visions and the passions of individuals by empowering others to keep shining the light of Haley Sue."
This is a fabulous organization that works to uplift the community with the vision of a young woman who believed in kindness above all else. They offer Special Events, Volunteer Programs, Scholarship Programs, and Community Outreach with service as their passion, following the legacy of a young woman who loved without limits. |
Proceeds from some past anthologies support the World Literacy Foundation and their mission to grow individuals and communities through the written word. “We strive to ensure that every young individual regardless of geographic location has the opportunity to acquire literacy skills to reach their full potential, succeed at school and beyond. We envision a world in which every one of us can read and write, in which there is free access to education for all.” www.WorldLiteracyFoundation.org
Your Words Are Changing The World!
Now Accepting Submissions for Our Latest Anthology!
Now Accepting Submissions for Our Latest Anthology!
Click the cover below for all the details!
Our Collection of Indie Authored Community Service Anthologies